Page 7 - Main Commandment
P. 7

Main Commandement

           For that reason GOD gives man this love through the HOLY SPIRIT.
           And that He gives it, we have seen from the lives of many Saints.

           Let us take an example of a young loving couple. We meet them in
           a café. We watch them giving each another loving glances while
           becoming totally engrossed. We watch these two lovers behaving
           very amorously (like children). Yet hardly anyone of those present
           takes offence at it. On the contrary, knowing smiles can be seen
           flitting across the faces of those present, meaning roughly: they are
           just lovers.

           But my dearly beloved, it is exactly the same with the love of GOD.
           A quick thought of Him can already bring a person out of his shell
           and make everything around him disappear. But why, I ask, are
           these lovers only seldom given this knowing smile? They receive, in-
           stead, a slighting, contemptuous smile and even worse. How much
           more should one understand them of all people, as they have the
           very best, the most handsome, most loving and most perfect Lover,
           who outdoes every human lover!

           Love can supply with blood everything rigid and every outward
           appearance. Even if a person is of low or noble birth, no matter
           whether he is a workman, professor or manager, they all become a
           plaything of love. Love makes men youthful, or rather: in their
           hearts they become like children. And this very innocence is the
           measure of true love. In the same way and even more so this is the
           case if one is falling in love with GOD. Has GOD Himself in His love
           towards us men not become a Child, a Child in Bethlehem? Re-
           member JESUS’ words: „Unless you become like little children, you
           shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.”

           My dearly beloved, it is so difficult, nay, altogether impossible to
           describe or explain this love. Were we able to make it known to you,
           I think that all men would be infected with it to GOD’s delight and to
           the pleasure of the affected mankind. This would then also spread
           to creation and so on.

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