Page 8 - Main Commandment
P. 8

Man’s Love for and of GOD

           He who, on the other hand, prefers opening his heart to the world
           instead of simply walking through it, will soon live in spiritual dark-
           ness and will no longer be able to hear GOD’s gentle prompting.
           For so many years already I am trying at GOD’s command to teach
           and give the Church as well as all men this love in a new way – but
           there are hardly any people willing to grasp and accept this light!

           With deepest heartache and greatest sorrow for GOD and these
           people I have to stand by and watch how blind mankind has be-
           come and is enslaved by the world (darkness). Few, only very few
           (for the time being) are still touched in their hearts and start to
           realise what united love with GOD can be.

           This way it should be in the Church: each person a burn-
           ing candle! Where, however, there is a candle burning, there is light
           and the darkness must disappear. So come and be set on fire and
           drive out the darkness (Satan) in this world and in our holy Church.
           Burning like candles means nothing other than: loving GOD
           with overflowing, indeed glowing worship!

           We call you who are given the opportunity to love in bliss a human
           being wholeheartedly: why do you not want to reach the summit of
           this bliss? We call all of you who were disappointed at the love on
           the part of a human being, or you who have not yet found this bliss,
           or you who missed out on happiness: come and we will show and
           give you a Lover (JESUS) who will and can never and in all eternity
           never disappoint you because he is the pledge (Word of GOD)
           Himself! Come to this joy of love! Be inebriated by Him. I can tell
           you from my own experience. He – JESUS CHRIST – will enkindle in
           you a love that will make your hearts overflow!

           I ask: what lover is able, for example, to take your yearning, loving
           heart into his loving hands and caress it and immerse it in his own

           If you wish to experience this perfection in a love life with GOD, then
           come and be enkindled and inflamed. This Lover – JESUS – is still

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