Page 14 - Signs and Wonders
P. 14

Signs in Nature

                                Signs in Nature

          The Lizard Understood the Sword-Bishop

          On the day of the return from Cameroon, after appointing Father
          Joseph Kede as a priest in Cameroon, the Sword-Bishop, M.P.S. and I,
          acting as interpreter, were sitting in the garden of the hotel talking with
          two young Cameroonian men who wanted to become priests. The
          Sword-Bishop talked about the love in the Main Commandment which
          says that one ought to love GOD with your whole life. The students an-
          swered: „But GOD does not need our love, does He?“ Then the Sword-
          Bishop pointed to a lizard: „Suppose this lizard bowed for you, this
          would surely gladden your hearts, would it not?“ At that moment the
          lizard stopped, turned around in the direction of the Sword-Bishop and
          bowed to him. – The two Cameroonians were very surprised at this
          and impressed.
                                   M. P. Ä., also M. P. S. testifies to this (Archive No. 12)

          The Weather Cleared Up
          By this time the calendar showed the end of May. The first grass mow-
          ing should have already been harvested long ago so that the animals
          will have high quality and healthy fodder. But it rained and rained, and
          the weather report announced further rainy weather. Then I asked for
          the Sword-Bishop’s weather blessing. – Suddenly, amid this sad spell of
          rain, all against the weather forecast, a high pressure area developed
          and we (as well as all the other farmers in the country) could harvest our
          grass all week. Later on the weather became worse again.

                                        J. K., also E. K. testifies to this (Archive No. 13)

          Avalanche of Stones Stopped

          When the Sword-Bishop was still a layman (father of a family), it did not
          escape his notice that Heaven often took the cue from him. Inwardly I
          had always been wondering and thinking about it. One afternoon we
          went to the mountains with the children, and we came to a mountain-
          ous region. My eyes fell on a wall of rock rising steeply and ending in

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