The Poor Souls

What Is Pur­ga­to­ry?
Pur­ga­to­ry, or the purifi­ca­tion, can­not actu­al­ly be explained because you would have to have seen GOD just as He is in Heav­en now: incom­pre­hen­si­ble beau­ty, incom­pre­hen­si­ble love.

If some­one dies in sin or imper­fec­tion, this soul recog­nis­es in the light of GOD’s pres­ence – the soul need not even have seen GOD yet – her ter­ri­ble degen­er­a­tion. With all her might and long­ing she is drawn towards GOD because the soul, after all, is a part of GOD. She wish­es to unite with the beau­ty which GOD is. But she recog­nis­es her dis­tor­tion through sin so that in the beau­ty and har­mo­ny of Heav­en she feels so out of place that she steps back and desires to do penance as quick­ly as pos­si­ble. Now she can­not go back into the body any more. She can­not put on the pen­i­ten­tial robe any more. She can no longer do any works of penance. So she humbly per­se­veres, far from GOD, in a state of unimag­in­able yearn­ing, which is like a puri­fy­ing fire. She holds out so long until her trans­gres­sions have been atoned for.

Every­thing Must Be Atoned for
For an as-yet-una­toned-for love­less word, accord­ing to our per­cep­tion of time, you would have to hold out in this purg­ing state per­haps a whole year. You absolute­ly could not do any­thing for your­self any more. You could not go back any more to ask for for­give­ness, could only sit tight in this “fire,” until your debt, be it ever so tiny, has been atoned for. If the Church Mil­i­tant (that is, we, the Church on earth) and the Church Tri­umphant (the Saints of Heav­en) now did not have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to help our broth­ers and sis­ters of the Church Suf­fer­ing (the Poor Souls), they would have to hold out long. – These three Church­es must work togeth­er. One who has on earth no com­mu­nion with the Church­es Tri­umphant and Suf­fer­ing can­not be Church. – That is why GOD judges it very, very severe­ly if some­one out of indif­fer­ence refus­es the suf­fer­ing souls in Pur­ga­to­ry their help. They will, when they are in Pur­ga­to­ry them­selves, wait a long time for help.


With What Can We Help the Poor Souls
Give them a few drops of Holy Water. Skip a sip of water. At meals have only one help­ing. If some­one cursed a lot dur­ing their life­time, then try in your heart to say pious words to their ben­e­fit. Has some­one neglect­ed prayer, then you pray in their stead. Every­thing you do on behalf of the Poor Souls will ben­e­fit them, and can con­sid­er­ably short­en their time of suf­fer­ing. Bear in mind: you can canon­ise one or the oth­er Poor Soul by help­ing her to enter Heav­en. Each soul redeemed from Pur­ga­to­ry is holy, and is count­ed amongst the com­pa­ny of Saints, even if they have not been canon­ised by the Pope, are no famil­iar Saints on earth. Only what is holy may enter Heav­en.

When you die, you will see how many souls you have made into Saints by your prayers for for­give­ness. They will all receive you and accom­pa­ny you inter­ced­ing­ly or tri­umphant­ly to GOD’s throne. So do not hes­i­tate, start your canon­is­ing them.

If you could real­ly see how yearn­ing­ly the Poor Souls are wait­ing for our help. They depend on us. They absolute­ly can­not do any­thing for them­selves. They may, how­ev­er, make inter­ces­sion for their broth­ers and sis­ters on earth. They are great helpers of the Church Mil­i­tant. Great mir­a­cles have already hap­pened through the inter­ces­sion of the Poor Souls. Bear in mind, if some­one in this way in a state of suf­fer­ing self­less­ly pleads for us, GOD cer­tain­ly can­not say no. There­fore, I fer­vent­ly ask of you on behalf of the Church: use your oppor­tu­ni­ty! Do not for­get the Poor Souls. They will thank you by let­ting you expe­ri­ence their help.