The Instrument

GOD alone is the One who called, trained, and after many tri­als chose me to be His per­son­al Instru­ment. To Him alone I am an Instru­ment. What would a ham­mer, a paint­brush be with­out the master’s hand? Like­wise, I am a noth­ing in His hand. Cho­sen out­side Church hier­ar­chy in order that I speak and act freely with­out hier­ar­chi­cal con­straint as GOD allows me to sense with­in my heart.

Con­se­crat­ed as bish­op by the Church’s hand, our juris­dic­tion direct­ly relates to JESUS CHRIST, the sov­er­eign Head of the Church. Although extra­or­di­nary, such is known by the Church and, by gen­er­al con­sent, is based on eccle­si­as­ti­cal law­ful­ness.

Bap­tised Niko­laus Andreas in the Roman Catholic Church in 1937, I was taught by GOD from child­hood in a per­son­al inti­ma­cy with Him. Years of dry­ness and ter­ri­ble attacks from Hell fol­lowed, from which I sure­ly did not always emerge vic­to­ri­ous, how­ev­er, as JESUS let me know, I nev­er will­ing­ly con­sent­ed in my heart.

In order to be able to be His Instru­ment, GOD equipped me with all that I need for the task. He gave me, for instance, I do not know to what extent, the feel­ings of JESUS’ Heart. At first, I found it extreme­ly dif­fi­cult when I began to see and hear, to expe­ri­ence joy and main­ly suf­fer­ing with these feel­ings of JESUS’ Heart.

One of the most dread­ful suf­fer­ings is that I have to feel JESUS’ grief over His beloved Bride, the holy Church, which is blind­ed by Satan’s smoke to such an extent that JESUS is no longer able to raise a bish­op in her who could save the Church. Not that there are no men of good will in the Church, but the cur­rent hier­ar­chi­cal struc­tures would nowa­days hin­der any­one from act­ing in the Spir­it of JESUS. The few loy­al ones of the Church’s lead­er­ship do believe that they do good, how­ev­er: it is not in accor­dance with JESUS’ Heart! There is no salt, no fire any more in the Church of CHRIST. What to the faith­ful looks like fire is mere paper fire rekin­dled again and again, which, although it flares up bright­ly, instant­ly crum­bles into ash­es again!

Now is the time that was fore­told dur­ing which even the just go astray, were GOD not to come to their aid. That is why GOD sends His Sword-Bish­op from out­side the Church. This out­side help has also often been proph­e­sied. How­ev­er, just as it hap­pened in the time of JESUS, again the Church is not will­ing to acknowl­edge what did not pass through her school or receive her good­will.


JESUS told me at the day of my con­se­cra­tion to bish­op:


 You are there to teach the igno­rant and to uncov­er the secret machi­na­tions of Satan.”

 The SAVIOUR lat­er added to this task yet anoth­er one, that of renew­ing His Church in the HOLY SPIRIT.

Upon this, we tried more than once to have an audi­ence with the Pope. How­ev­er, no response ever returned!

I know that it is very dif­fi­cult to acknowl­edge a bish­op who has been con­se­crat­ed with­out the Offi­cial Church’s con­sent. But Heav­en con­firms this con­se­cra­tion by signs and won­ders: dead rise again, sick peo­ple are healed, sin­ners are con­vert­ed … In man­i­fold and uncount­able ways, GOD’s bless­ing reveals itself.

Peo­ple might answer me that the dev­il can work false mir­a­cles, but my reply is: nev­er will nor can he implant in human hearts the Main Com­mand­ment, love of GOD and neigh­bour, and nev­er will he be able to set this love ablaze. It is also absolute­ly impos­si­ble for him to kin­dle the virtue of true humil­i­ty. Yet all this is the fruit of our work in the Name and pow­er of GOD! Acknowl­edged doc­tors of divin­i­ty, of canon law and of litur­gy as well as extra­or­di­nar­i­ly priv­i­leged souls have con­firmed me as com­ing from GOD and have cer­ti­fied the con­se­cra­tion.

At that time JESUS began to speak and said:

“I praise you, Father, Lord of heav­en and earth, because you have hid­den these things from the wise and pru­dent and have revealed them to lit­tle ones! Yes, Father, for so it was well-pleas­ing in your sight.” (Matt. 11:25f)