The Instrument
GOD alone is the One who called, trained, and after many trials chose me to be His personal Instrument. To Him alone I am an Instrument. What would a hammer, a paintbrush be without the master’s hand? Likewise, I am a nothing in His hand. Chosen outside Church hierarchy in order that I speak and act freely without hierarchical constraint as GOD allows me to sense within my heart.
Consecrated as bishop by the Church’s hand, our jurisdiction directly relates to JESUS CHRIST, the sovereign Head of the Church. Although extraordinary, such is known by the Church and, by general consent, is based on ecclesiastical lawfulness.
Baptised Nikolaus Andreas in the Roman Catholic Church in 1937, I was taught by GOD from childhood in a personal intimacy with Him. Years of dryness and terrible attacks from Hell followed, from which I surely did not always emerge victorious, however, as JESUS let me know, I never willingly consented in my heart.
In order to be able to be His Instrument, GOD equipped me with all that I need for the task. He gave me, for instance, I do not know to what extent, the feelings of JESUS’ Heart. At first, I found it extremely difficult when I began to see and hear, to experience joy and mainly suffering with these feelings of JESUS’ Heart.
One of the most dreadful sufferings is that I have to feel JESUS’ grief over His beloved Bride, the holy Church, which is blinded by Satan’s smoke to such an extent that JESUS is no longer able to raise a bishop in her who could save the Church. Not that there are no men of good will in the Church, but the current hierarchical structures would nowadays hinder anyone from acting in the Spirit of JESUS. The few loyal ones of the Church’s leadership do believe that they do good, however: it is not in accordance with JESUS’ Heart! There is no salt, no fire any more in the Church of CHRIST. What to the faithful looks like fire is mere paper fire rekindled again and again, which, although it flares up brightly, instantly crumbles into ashes again!
Now is the time that was foretold during which even the just go astray, were GOD not to come to their aid. That is why GOD sends His Sword-Bishop from outside the Church. This outside help has also often been prophesied. However, just as it happened in the time of JESUS, again the Church is not willing to acknowledge what did not pass through her school or receive her goodwill.
JESUS told me at the day of my consecration to bishop:
You are there to teach the ignorant and to uncover the secret machinations of Satan.”
The SAVIOUR later added to this task yet another one, that of renewing His Church in the HOLY SPIRIT.
Upon this, we tried more than once to have an audience with the Pope. However, no response ever returned!
I know that it is very difficult to acknowledge a bishop who has been consecrated without the Official Church’s consent. But Heaven confirms this consecration by signs and wonders: dead rise again, sick people are healed, sinners are converted … In manifold and uncountable ways, GOD’s blessing reveals itself.
People might answer me that the devil can work false miracles, but my reply is: never will nor can he implant in human hearts the Main Commandment, love of GOD and neighbour, and never will he be able to set this love ablaze. It is also absolutely impossible for him to kindle the virtue of true humility. Yet all this is the fruit of our work in the Name and power of GOD! Acknowledged doctors of divinity, of canon law and of liturgy as well as extraordinarily privileged souls have confirmed me as coming from GOD and have certified the consecration.
At that time JESUS began to speak and said:
“I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and have revealed them to little ones! Yes, Father, for so it was well-pleasing in your sight.” (Matt. 11:25f)