Short Biography
Born on 6 September 1937 in the Swiss Rhine Valley, I was baptised Nikolaus Andreas in the Roman Catholic Church. As a child I had already been initiated by my father, Paul Schneider, into the mysticism of Anna Katharina Emmerich. My mother, Juliana Schneider-Kalmar, the daughter of a converted Polish Jew and a Hungarian mother, grew up in Vienna.
When I was nine years old, my father used to take me to a little chapel that contained a miraculous crucifix. In the past, people from near and far would go there on pilgrimage. In this little chapel JESUS then began to speak to me inwardly. Without actually realising it, I had already entered the special school of the SAVIOUR.
Amongst other things, I completed a two-year service with the Papal Swiss Guard at the Vatican under Pope Pius XII and Pope John XXIII.
At the age of 28, it was GOD’s will that I should marry. We led a harmonious married life, in which we were given four sons. Our marriage had never been tarnished by a single angry word. During that time, GOD taught me many things about the Sacrament of Matrimony as well as family life; and many things that the Church did not recognise, or misjudged concerning marriage. – Suddenly, GOD’s hand painfully intervened once again requiring me to renounce family life. GOD wanted me to be His personal Instrument and that demanded absolute willingness to make sacrifices – not only of me, but also of my spouse and our children!
In this manner my whole life was marked: sometimes high and then absolute depth. It was the most magnificent school of the SAVIOUR on the Cross! During that time GOD showed me more and more the situation of His holy Church and all humankind.
On 25 March 1975, feast of the “Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin,” I received from GOD the FATHER the task to found the Children’s Prayer Storm “KGS” (Kinder-Gebets-Sturm) with the words: “Go to the little ones! Just only the little children will be able to calm My holy wrath. Their innocent and unselfish prayer from their pure children’s hearts is what I am longing for, as Joseph longed for Benjamin. Verily, verily, verily, I tell you, the Children’s Prayer Storm is given the grace to undo events. … Gather the children to a worldwide Children’s Prayer Storm!”
The KGS caught on in Switzerland, shortly afterwards also in the Netherlands where I worked in a former retreat house with about 220 rooms and a large church. I gave lecture after lecture, held retreats for the parents, and so on. The newspapers began to become interested in them. Magazines brought out multi-page reports with pictures. On the front page the papers reported about the KGS in large letters. So many people came that I urgently needed a priest to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. GOD sent Bishop Gerhard Franck to me, a former Old Roman Catholic bishop but who had been converted to the Roman Catholic Church. It was he who ordained me to minor orders up to the deaconate in the church of the former retreat house in Spaubeek.
On 17 June 1977, Bishop Gerhard Franck ordained me priest in GOD’s will. When I was preparing for the first Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the sacristy in Spaubeek (Netherlands), only then did I discover that on that very day was the Feast of the Sacred Heart of JESUS. It overwhelmed me instantly since JESUS had told me the day before: “Tomorrow you will be My Priest of the heart!”
Many fought against the KGS because they believed to see competition in it. Terrible slanders and outright mean things, taken over and ven more garbled by foreign newspapers and magazines, destroyed GOD’s work. By the hundreds they departed from me and the Children’s Prayer Storm. Only through the power of GOD did I receive new courage to start from scratch, with my wife standing by me faithfully, as well as a few remaining faithful.
On 24 August 1977, the feast of the holy Apostle Bartholomew, I was consecrated bishop in Sittard (Netherlands) according to Roman Catholic Rite. On the way to the consecration the SAVIOUR let Himself be heard and said to me: “Be you My Sword-Bishop! You are there to teach the ignorant and to uncover the secret machinations of Satan!” The SAVIOUR later added to this task another one, that of renewing His Church in the HOLY SPIRIT.
In all those years, faithful have gathered around me to support GOD’s mission. Clergy, ordained and educated by me, provide the faithful of the various branch settlements with the Sacraments and give them their advice and support in life’s worries.
In 1981, at the wish of the Heavenly FATHER, I founded the Order of the “Servants of the Holy Mother Church” as the power engine of the Church. Their prayer and day’s work, done in love for GOD, makes them indispensable co-workers in the LORD’s vineyard.
Since 1984, my main residence has been in Rehetobel. This house is also the Mother House of the clergy and the Order. Since 1990, our community bears the name “NEW CHRISTIANS.” Our faith goes by the teaching of JESUS CHRIST and His Apostles.
More and more seeking people turn up, the most obstinate sinners confess their sins weeping and sobbing, many lukewarm Christians again become diligent through GOD’s working and live according to His Commandments.