We, who are the Church Militant, are in constant communion with the Church Triumphant, with the Saints and Angels of Heaven. The Saints are our examples, our intercessors. Therefore, we do not worship Mary, the Mother of GOD, and the Saints, but we venerate and love them. Examine the lives of the Saints, examine what their life of virtue consisted of, and then imitate their holy life. Take the Saints of Heaven for your intercessors at GOD’s throne that they may bring you closer and closer to GOD!
Mary – Triumphant Empress
See here Mary, the Mother of GOD, as triumphant heavenly Empress! GOD does not only want to see her celebrated as “Triumphant Empress” in Heaven, but by His whole creation, in particular by His holy Church on earth!
GOD is willing to introduce her as miracle-working Empress. As heavenly throning Empress she is meant to triumph victoriously! Especially over Satan and all his machinations.
Enough of those blood-weeping and gory statues and images of the Blessed Virgin and JESUS. Who do people think GOD and the heavenly Empress are? The Evil One really enjoys it: while he marches on from triumph to triumph, Heaven seems to weep and moan in blood and tears. Does it not rather say: “GOD mocks His enemies!”? Stop looking at her as pitiable Mother of GOD, rather invoke her help as triumphant heavenly Empress! As such she has power!
Look, here in this small church room in Rehetobel she sits as Empress and Regent. From here she will set out on her triumphant progress throughout the whole world. Every human being is allowed to venerate her and take up her time, no matter which faith they have at the moment. It will bring rich graces to anyone who makes a pilgrimage to her here, on this site chosen by Heaven! Anyone who cannot manage may also experience her help and care through a copy of the original statue, provided that it was blessed by my bishops or priests!
The Empress Showing the Way to GOD
The present epidemic is that most people make for themselves their own image of GOD by twisting religion according to their own fancy and obsessions, as they see fit. If you say to them: “Take Mary for showing you the way to GOD,” they only have contemptuous or very vehement words about it, not thinking that they are speaking about the Daughter, Mother and Bride of GOD.
No one can say that he loves GOD if he does not keep His Commandments and does not appreciate or even spurns His Sacraments, which He bequeathed to His Church for Christian life. No one served GOD so pleasingly as Mary did! It has pleased GOD, the LORD, to take Flesh through a most pure virgin (as befits GOD) and to be born of her. It pleased Him that she, whom He called His Mother and calls such to all eternity and loves in a divine manner, should also be honoured and loved by us men as His and our heavenly Mother.
GOD Himself is fatherly and motherly. The SON of GOD showed us the fatherly love of GOD, and through the Mother of GOD He would like to let us know His motherly love. GOD spoke: “Honour your father and your mother so that it may go well with you and that you may live long on earth!”
How do you believe it would be if CHRIST Himself disdained this in His natural Mother? Thus it simply goes without saying that GOD now bestows on His beloved earthly Mother all divine love and glory which He is able to give her as GOD and as her heavenly SON. And what GOD does is always to be loved and to be praised!
We know that GOD likes to exalt, of all things, the insignificant. And since Mary had once been of too little significance for certain angels to have been willing to recognise her as their Empress, it was she whom GOD raised so high above the Angels, which is terrible now for these fallen angels. And now the same is happening again on the part of men. Is it possible then that a human being is capable of having too low an opinion of Mary, whom GOD found worthy to be born of, and whom He honours and loves as His Mother? If a human being prefers to think like that, my GOD, this even outmatches Lucifer’s pride! Come, let us also love and venerate her wholeheartedly as our heavenly Mother!
St. Joseph – Protector of the Church
If we talk about St. Joseph, we immediately think of the Holy Family: Joseph, Mary and JESUS. This unity of the Holy Family is so enormous that it is an image of the unity of the Most Holy TRINITY. However, not only is the unique holiness of St. Joseph to be admired but above all his high dignity both as nursing and foster Father of JESUS and as Spouse of Mary, the Most Blessed Virgin and Mother of GOD.
This extraordinary dignity did not only apply to his earthly life, but continues to exist in a glorious way in Heaven. JESUS loved Joseph as no other father on earth had ever been loved. If GOD was already so faithful to His nursing and foster Father on earth, how faithful will He now also be to him in Heaven.
We know that St. Joseph, in this sublime election as no other Saint has, is often found sidelong behind the divine throne of JESUS like a fatherly adviser. St. Joseph would be able to do so much more for us, if only we asked him more often for it. By doing so we, as Church Militant, would also enhance the honour and glory of St. Joseph.
Terror of the Evil Spirits
St. Joseph has a silent way of his very own in being Protector of the Church. Odd is also: when you confide in him, you will find a peculiar, deep warmth and security. He was, is and remains simply father. Do not forget, Mary and Joseph, the greatest Saints of Heaven, they have not come forward with great official appearances, speeches or whatever. Silently and saintly they have discharged the duties of their station. Mary washed the swaddling clothes, stood at the stove, ran the household. Joseph, being a simple carpenter, worked as a day-labourer to gain a livelihood for his Family. He became great with simple work. And yet he is now in Heaven far above any Pope. – With his silence, modesty and humbleness, with his still being misjudged he has become Protector of the Church, terror of the evil spirits.
In exorcisms I have experienced myself what it means: “Saint Joseph, You terror of the evil spirits …” – He is indeed the terror of the evil spirits!
Many wonder: “But where is the Protector of the Church today? Why does he not come to the rescue of the Church and save her from the fall?” – My dearly beloved, St. Joseph would have the power to destroy the demoniac intrigues at once and build up everything again. But the chaff must be separated from the wheat. The Evil One has been given his time, and only when GOD says: “Enough!” will St. Joseph play his part as well. GOD is invincible! In His justice and according to His standard He will determine time and plan.
St. Nicholas of Flue, Brother Klaus
Brother Klaus means a lot to me, not only because he is my name patron but also because he is the Patron Saint of Switzerland and was appointed by the Pope as Patron of the world peace. We most urgently need this Patron and intercessor in these days. Even if we know that it is too late because sin is rampant, let us implore him all the more and not give up. The worldwide situation is much worse than it appears. We are in urgent need of peace. Not only for our own sake, but for GOD’s and the younger generation’s sake.
Saint Nicholas of Flue used to say: “Peace is always in GOD!” – How true this saying is. Peace is a fruit of the HOLY SPIRIT. If you are at peace with GOD, then this peace will dwell in your heart, no matter whether it is stormy outside, whether hell is on the rampage or the end of the world has come. But if you are at strife and variance, the HOLY SPIRIT will flee from your heart and with Him so will GOD’s peace.
Brother Klaus lived without food for 20 years, only on Holy Communion. So many miracles took place on his intercession. It is a pity that Brother Klaus is not so much venerated in Switzerland as would be desirable. Especially politicians should attach more value to his words of advice, such as: “Do not make your fence too wide!” as well as: “Do not meddle in foreign affairs!” They brag about their Father of the nation, the holy Brother Klaus, yet they had better heed his advice first.
During the Second World War, many Swiss sought refuge in prayer with Brother Klaus. As the Nazis were marching to the border in order to overrun Switzerland, in the sky above the frontier along the Rhine a large hand in a brown habit was seen sinking into the Rhine. This is what my father used to tell me. Everybody knew that this was Brother Klaus’s hand preserving peace in the homeland. At other frontiers, too, Brother Klaus’s hand was perceived. The enemy force, in which even Bedouins on horseback were spotted, retired completely.
I wonder if Brother Klaus is still allowed to keep his hand protectively over Switzerland even today. GOD lets me feel that Brother Klaus is neither able nor allowed to do so any more since people are increasingly turning away from GOD. The Church has appointed Brother Klaus Patron of the world peace. It is he whom we should implore in our prayers. GOD rewards persevering prayer.