
We, who are the Church Mil­i­tant, are in con­stant com­mu­nion with the Church Tri­umphant, with the Saints and Angels of Heav­en. The Saints are our exam­ples, our inter­ces­sors. There­fore, we do not wor­ship Mary, the Moth­er of GOD, and the Saints, but we ven­er­ate and love them. Exam­ine the lives of the Saints, exam­ine what their life of virtue con­sist­ed of, and then imi­tate their holy life. Take the Saints of Heav­en for your inter­ces­sors at GOD’s throne that they may bring you clos­er and clos­er to GOD!

Mary – Triumphant Empress

See here Mary, the Moth­er of GOD, as tri­umphant heav­en­ly Empress! GOD does not only want to see her cel­e­brat­ed as “Tri­umphant Empress” in Heav­en, but by His whole cre­ation, in par­tic­u­lar by His holy Church on earth!

GOD is will­ing to intro­duce her as mir­a­cle-work­ing Empress. As heav­en­ly thron­ing Empress she is meant to tri­umph vic­to­ri­ous­ly! Espe­cial­ly over Satan and all his machi­na­tions.

Enough of those blood-weep­ing and gory stat­ues and images of the Blessed Vir­gin and JESUS. Who do peo­ple think GOD and the heav­en­ly Empress are? The Evil One real­ly enjoys it: while he march­es on from tri­umph to tri­umph, Heav­en seems to weep and moan in blood and tears. Does it not rather say: “GOD mocks His ene­mies!”? Stop look­ing at her as pitiable Moth­er of GOD, rather invoke her help as tri­umphant heav­en­ly Empress! As such she has pow­er!

Look, here in this small church room in Reheto­bel she sits as Empress and Regent. From here she will set out on her tri­umphant progress through­out the whole world. Every human being is allowed to ven­er­ate her and take up her time, no mat­ter which faith they have at the moment. It will bring rich graces to any­one who makes a pil­grim­age to her here, on this site cho­sen by Heav­en! Any­one who can­not man­age may also expe­ri­ence her help and care through a copy of the orig­i­nal stat­ue, pro­vid­ed that it was blessed by my bish­ops or priests!

Mary Empress
Moth­er of GOD with the Infant JESUS

The Empress Show­ing the Way to GOD
The present epi­dem­ic is that most peo­ple make for them­selves their own image of GOD by twist­ing reli­gion accord­ing to their own fan­cy and obses­sions, as they see fit. If you say to them: “Take Mary for show­ing you the way to GOD,” they only have con­temp­tu­ous or very vehe­ment words about it, not think­ing that they are speak­ing about the Daugh­ter, Moth­er and Bride of GOD.

No one can say that he loves GOD if he does not keep His Com­mand­ments and does not appre­ci­ate or even spurns His Sacra­ments, which He bequeathed to His Church for Chris­t­ian life. No one served GOD so pleas­ing­ly as Mary did! It has pleased GOD, the LORD, to take Flesh through a most pure vir­gin (as befits GOD) and to be born of her. It pleased Him that she, whom He called His Moth­er and calls such to all eter­ni­ty and loves in a divine man­ner, should also be hon­oured and loved by us men as His and our heav­en­ly Moth­er.

GOD Him­self is father­ly and moth­er­ly. The SON of GOD showed us the father­ly love of GOD, and through the Moth­er of GOD He would like to let us know His moth­er­ly love. GOD spoke: “Hon­our your father and your moth­er so that it may go well with you and that you may live long on earth!”

How do you believe it would be if CHRIST Him­self dis­dained this in His nat­ur­al Moth­er? Thus it sim­ply goes with­out say­ing that GOD now bestows on His beloved earth­ly Moth­er all divine love and glo­ry which He is able to give her as GOD and as her heav­en­ly SON. And what GOD does is always to be loved and to be praised!

We know that GOD likes to exalt, of all things, the insignif­i­cant. And since Mary had once been of too lit­tle sig­nif­i­cance for cer­tain angels to have been will­ing to recog­nise her as their Empress, it was she whom GOD raised so high above the Angels, which is ter­ri­ble now for these fall­en angels. And now the same is hap­pen­ing again on the part of men. Is it pos­si­ble then that a human being is capa­ble of hav­ing too low an opin­ion of Mary, whom GOD found wor­thy to be born of, and whom He hon­ours and loves as His Moth­er? If a human being prefers to think like that, my GOD, this even out­match­es Lucifer’s pride! Come, let us also love and ven­er­ate her whole­heart­ed­ly as our heav­en­ly Moth­er!

St. Joseph – Protector of the Church

If we talk about St. Joseph, we imme­di­ate­ly think of the Holy Fam­i­ly: Joseph, Mary and JESUS. This uni­ty of the Holy Fam­i­ly is so enor­mous that it is an image of the uni­ty of the Most Holy TRINITY. How­ev­er, not only is the unique holi­ness of St. Joseph to be admired but above all his high dig­ni­ty both as nurs­ing and fos­ter Father of JESUS and as Spouse of Mary, the Most Blessed Vir­gin and Moth­er of GOD.

This extra­or­di­nary dig­ni­ty did not only apply to his earth­ly life, but con­tin­ues to exist in a glo­ri­ous way in Heav­en. JESUS loved Joseph as no oth­er father on earth had ever been loved. If GOD was already so faith­ful to His nurs­ing and fos­ter Father on earth, how faith­ful will He now also be to him in Heav­en.

We know that St. Joseph, in this sub­lime elec­tion as no oth­er Saint has, is often found side­long behind the divine throne of JESUS like a father­ly advis­er. St. Joseph would be able to do so much more for us, if only we asked him more often for it. By doing so we, as Church Mil­i­tant, would also enhance the hon­our and glo­ry of St. Joseph.

St. Joseph, Pro­tec­tor of the Church
St. Joseph, Nurs­ing and Fos­ter Father of JESUS

Ter­ror of the Evil Spir­its
St. Joseph has a silent way of his very own in being Pro­tec­tor of the Church. Odd is also: when you con­fide in him, you will find a pecu­liar, deep warmth and secu­ri­ty. He was, is and remains sim­ply father. Do not for­get, Mary and Joseph, the great­est Saints of Heav­en, they have not come for­ward with great offi­cial
appear­ances, speech­es or what­ev­er. Silent­ly and saint­ly they have dis­charged the duties of their sta­tion. Mary washed the swad­dling clothes, stood at the stove, ran the house­hold. Joseph, being a sim­ple car­pen­ter, worked as a day-labour­er to gain a liveli­hood for his Fam­i­ly. He became great with sim­ple work. And yet he is now in Heav­en far above any Pope. – With his silence, mod­esty and hum­ble­ness, with his still being mis­judged he has become Pro­tec­tor of the Church, ter­ror of the evil spir­its.

In exor­cisms I have expe­ri­enced myself what it means: “Saint Joseph, You ter­ror of the evil spir­its …” – He is indeed the ter­ror of the evil spir­its!

Many won­der: “But where is the Pro­tec­tor of the Church today? Why does he not come to the res­cue of the Church and save her from the fall?” – My dear­ly beloved, St. Joseph would have the pow­er to destroy the demo­ni­ac intrigues at once and build up every­thing again. But the chaff must be sep­a­rat­ed from the wheat. The Evil One has been giv­en his time, and only when GOD says: “Enough!” will St. Joseph play his part as well. GOD is invin­ci­ble! In His jus­tice and accord­ing to His stan­dard He will deter­mine time and plan.

St. Nicholas of Flue, Brother Klaus

Broth­er Klaus means a lot to me, not only because he is my name patron but also because he is the Patron Saint of Switzer­land and was appoint­ed by the Pope as Patron of the world peace. We most urgent­ly need this Patron and inter­ces­sor in these days. Even if we know that it is too late because sin is ram­pant, let us implore him all the more and not give up. The world­wide sit­u­a­tion is much worse than it appears. We are in urgent need of peace. Not only for our own sake, but for GOD’s and the younger generation’s sake.

Saint Nicholas of Flue used to say: “Peace is always in GOD!” – How true this say­ing is. Peace is a fruit of the HOLY SPIRIT. If you are at peace with GOD, then this peace will dwell in your heart, no mat­ter whether it is stormy out­side, whether hell is on the ram­page or the end of the world has come. But if you are at strife and vari­ance, the HOLY SPIRIT will flee from your heart and with Him so will GOD’s peace.

Broth­er Klaus lived with­out food for 20 years, only on Holy Com­mu­nion. So many mir­a­cles took place on his inter­ces­sion. It is a pity that Broth­er Klaus is not so much ven­er­at­ed in Switzer­land as would be desir­able. Espe­cial­ly politi­cians should attach more val­ue to his words of advice, such as: “Do not make your fence too wide!” as well as: “Do not med­dle in for­eign affairs!” They brag about their Father of the nation, the holy Broth­er Klaus, yet they had bet­ter heed his advice first.

Dur­ing the Sec­ond World War, many Swiss sought refuge in prayer with Broth­er Klaus. As the Nazis were march­ing to the bor­der in order to over­run Switzer­land, in the sky above the fron­tier along the Rhine a large hand in a brown habit was seen sink­ing into the Rhine. This is what my father used to tell me. Every­body knew that this was Broth­er Klaus’s hand pre­serv­ing peace in the home­land. At oth­er fron­tiers, too, Broth­er Klaus’s hand was per­ceived. The ene­my force, in which even Bedouins on horse­back were spot­ted, retired com­plete­ly.

I won­der if Broth­er Klaus is still allowed to keep his hand pro­tec­tive­ly over Switzer­land even today. GOD lets me feel that Broth­er Klaus is nei­ther able nor allowed to do so any more since peo­ple are increas­ing­ly turn­ing away from GOD. The Church has appoint­ed Broth­er Klaus Patron of the world peace. It is he whom we should implore in our prayers. GOD rewards per­se­ver­ing prayer.

St. Broth­er Klaus