Pilgrimage Sites & Privileged Souls
Once GOD showed me how in our time false privileged souls spring up like mushrooms. There are those who claim that Holy Scripture is outdated, that they have received a new Gospel or supplements to Holy Scripture. Also Jakob Lorber is one of them. He brings in very good ideas but the Sacraments do not exist with him. It is similar with others. Likewise, a so-called “Third Testament” and the “Gospel of Mary Magdalene” circulate, both of which do not come from GOD. Mary Magdalene has, indeed, also written letters, these are lost, but never, never a gospel. This is just a very finely woven, cunning mesh of the Evil One.
Apostle Paul writes in his letter to the Galatians: “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel – which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!” (Gal. 1,6ff)
Believe me, Holy Scripture is and remains the touchstone and the foundation of faith, by which you can check everything.
Look, if you go fishing, you will hang tempting bait on your fishing rod depending on the kind of fish you want to catch. You hide your true intention from the fish. Satan acts in exactly the same way: He offers you fantastic bait and only when you have swallowed it, will you feel the hook or not, since his poison and foul-smelling breath are so treacherous. But then it might be too late, unless someone enlightened by GOD rushes to your aid. For instance, you go to faith healers or to so-called privileged souls because they pretend to be pious, light up a candle, say nice prayer formulas, and you will fall for it before you know it. Whereas the path on which the LORD leads His elect is called: being misjudged, despised by the world. You can test privileged souls by it. Mary, the Daughter, Mother and Spouse of GOD, was chosen to go this path of being misjudged, of difficulties, of suffering. The way to eternal blessedness is narrow and steep.
At the moment, apparitions of Mary mean big business. Pilgrims are indeed always very generous. Amongst them are the real apparition sites such as Lourdes, Fatima, La Salette, Heroldsbach, Marienfried, San Damiano, Montichiari and many others. My favourite apparition site of Mary is La Salette, because there the Mother of GOD has spoken very clearly: “Rome will lose its faith!”
The apparition in Medjugorje was genuine at the time, but the messages which today are daily made known have nothing to do with the Mother of GOD any more. Mary is certainly no blabbermouth! Medjugorje is a mass suggestion. The Mother of GOD appeared there, which is why great answers to prayers happen there as well, but as soon as the Official Church becomes involved, it is all over and done with. The messages of Heaven are no longer rendered word-for-word, but are toned down, made to sound nicer at the Church’s own discretion.
When the Mother of GOD appears, she would have to speak quite straightforwardly about the current grievous situation in the world. She would have to warn and call for repentance because the world is heading for a terrible disaster. Mary would also have to speak about the serious state of affairs in the Church because as the SAVIOUR told me, the Church has become a cesspool. Mary foretold the same in La Salette.
Apparition in Lourdes Apparition in Fatima Apparition in La Salette Apparition in Paris Apparition in Montichiari
GOD Withdraws His Light from the Privileged Souls
GOD spoke: „You will be purified, My people, until the last penny has been paid. You will be sorely tried and afflicted, and the trials will become ever bigger and more severe. Extraordinary things will come to pass in the Church and the world causing you to cry out in uncertainty and despair. Then you will search for My previous lights (privileged souls), but I will withdraw from these the perfect light! I will cause My former privileged souls to make false statements. Thus you will finally be led to him whom I have elected for this time and the time yet to come. Many of My former privileged souls will fall away from Me, even though they once brought forth richest fruits, and will become instruments of Satan. They will lead many pious people astray, which has in part already happened (e. g. Palmar).”
Do Not Be Deceived by False Privileged Souls!
Now do you not recognise the befuddlement, the smoke, the secret and subtly woven trickeries of the Evil One? Why then do you have such a hard time listening to the Instrument of GOD as you are otherwise so gullibly jumping after each “privileged soul” under greatest sacrifice and effort? Do you not know then that it is Satan who wants to turn you against the true Instrument of GOD, and he does so with all his fury and hatred? Why are you so hard to win over for the true teaching and love? Has your heart then already been so much smothered by self-righteousness that it has henceforth become incapable of selfless love towards and for GOD?
Many much rather visit pilgrimage sites where the privileged souls have already died, because they can no longer “talk.” A still living privileged soul or instrument of GOD does not tickle the ears and will point out your mistakes to you or tell you where you could please GOD still more. However, most people do not like to hear or accept this. Think of the Gospel, Matthew 13,45–46: “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking good pearls. When he found a precious pearl, he went away, sold everything he had and bought it.”