Civil name of the Sword-Bishop: Nikolaus Schneider
Address: Kapplerstrasse 111, CH-9642 Ebnat-Kappel
He is founder of the Neuchristen-Vereinigung, Bergstrasse 52, CH-9038 Rehetobel
Commercial Register-No.: CHE-103.308.073
Register Court: Kantonsgericht, CH-9043 Trogen
Board members of the Association of the New Christians and their functions:
and their functions:
Nikolaus Schneider, president
Paula Schneider, vice-president
Pia Muff, board member
Gabriela Abgottspon, board member
Person responsible for the editorial section:
Nikolaus Schneider, Kapplerstrasse 111, CH-9642 Ebnat-Kappel, Telephone: +41 (0)71 / 877 22 22
Domain: www.schwert-bischof.com
E‑mail: sb@schwert-bischof.com
Sister Liselotte Gsponer
Postal address: Kapplerstrasse 111, CH-9642 Ebnat-Kappel
Telephone: +41 (0)71 877 22 22
E‑mail: nch@neuchristen.com
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© 1990 Neuchristen