The Sin that Cries to Heaven – Fornication against Nature
Homosexuality is rampant like never before. Homosexually disposed people are not to be condemned, only their sinful activity is. They, too, are children of GOD and must be saved. They may well live together like brother and sister, nothing can be said against it. But a marriage-like, carnal relationship between homosexuals is against GOD and does not bring any blessing.
Sin in the world has become enormous. And I know it has become even more tremendous by legalising homosexual and lesbian marriages, as well as future legalisation to be carried out in various countries. Sodom and Gomorrah were burnt with fire because of this blasphemous sin (fornication against nature). (see Jude 1,7)
Rom 1,24ff: “Therefore, God gave them up to the desires of their heart to sexual immorality, to dishonour their own bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and venerated created things rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. Because of this, God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women exchanged natural relations for those against nature, and, in a similar way, the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed in their lust towards one another; men commit shameful acts with other men, and receive in themselves the due punishment for their error.”
Gay marriage: Should lesbians and gays be able to marry?
Not man created man but GOD alone. It is He who created the cosmos and everything that lives and exists. As a result, He alone is the Sovereign. He alone is entitled to give certain laws and decrees to everything He created.
He taught man the same and bade him observe them. Likewise with regard to marriage. GOD brought a woman to Adam and not a human being of the same sex.
GOD’s command: “Be fruitful and multiply!”
Let us hear the law of GOD from Sacred Scripture, Genesis 2,24: “That is why a man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they become one flesh.”
For this reason GOD created men male and female!
Furthermore, this union was at the same time to fulfil a mission of GOD: “Increase you and multiply …,” that which two homosexual persons cannot fulfil. What GOD has started, man is to continue, namely to procreate …!
What does the Bible say about homosexuality?
By the way, concerning homosexual marriage, Sacred Scripture gives an unequivocal and irrefutable answer, stating:
Leviticus 20,13: “If a man lies with a man as one does with a woman, both have committed a detestable act; let them be put to death. Their blood will be upon them.”
Certainly, GOD gave man his free will with which he can also ignore GOD’s law. However, since He is the lawmaker, He will, at the latest when you will appear before Him, judge you according to your deeds! As He is our Father, we are heirs of His glory. If then we are obedient children, we will be allowed to come into this inheritance. If, however, we have acted against Him, GOD may cancel this inheritance.
Why are gays and lesbians not allowed to adopt any children?
Then the desire was expressed that such unnatural marriages would like to adopt children. That would mean that these children should lose something of the greatest value amongst human beings: the image of a father and a mother! Because this image of a father and a mother was meant to be a living image of GOD as well as of Mary, the Mother of GOD. From this alone one should already recognise who is at work here to destroy this. There is only one who would like to destroy this: Satan!
The inability for their own father- or motherhood is thus pre-programmed with these children. The image of a Christian family is consequently destroyed. With these children homosexuality is already pre-programmed in up to 90% of the cases.
The LORD GOD deemed it necessary for man and woman to start a family, and not otherwise. And for this purpose they have been created: towards and for each other.
GOD asks: “Child, when will you come back?”
Every Christian knows that JESUS has made satisfaction for our sins with His and our Heavenly FATHER. Indeed, He has even bought us with His human and divine Blood. This His Blood washes away every human sin.
Matt. 26,28: “For this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.”
No man can commit a sin that possesses greater power than the divine Blood of JESUS! Surely, that is obvious to all! Our human deeds will never be able to surpass the divine deeds. Yet this divine Blood, which is able to blot out all sins of past and future men alike, must be asked for in prayer individually!
Forgiveness through the Sacrament of Confession
In the Churches with the seven Sacraments you obtain forgiveness through holy Confession. Through the word of the priest ordained and authorised thereto all sins will be washed away by the Blood of JESUS CHRIST if there is contrition and resolution.
John 20,23: “Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.”
At the same time, Confession gives the necessary grace and strength to get away from sins. Through further Sacraments, such as the Holy Eucharist, this power will be enhanced and embedded.
You cannot believe it? Then I ask you: Have you tried? How should someone be able to say whether a new foodstuff tastes good or not if he has neither seen nor tried it! You will not be like that person who has not had anything to eat for a long time, then he comes to a stand at which freshly baked, sweet-smelling bread is shared out, who although starving does not want to take this bread because he does not believe that this bread can satisfy him. Of course, in the beginning you are only allowed to take morsel by morsel and it requires good chewing. But then again, it depends on the ordained priest as well: the more pleasing he is to GOD, the more graces he will draw from Heaven for you. Also the holy Doctor of the Church Bonaventure taught this.
Therefore, in conclusion, I say: no matter what sins you committed: murder, fornication, drugs, theft, etc., you did this only as a human being. Come, and in the Name of JESUS everything can be washed off of you with divine power, if you have the desire to get away from it and do not want to backslide.
Should your Church, however, not possess this Sacrament of Confession, the debt of sin can also be forgiven you if you confess your sins to GOD and to a person suited to the task, albeit not with this fullness of grace as the auricular Confession can give you with an ordained priest as the Sacrament instituted by JESUS CHRIST.
Whoever would like to know more about it or seeks help, can obtain this from us.