
I believe in GOD, the FATHER Almighty, Cre­ator of Heav­en and earth, of all things vis­i­ble and invis­i­ble, and in one LORD JESUS CHRIST, the only-begot­ten SON of GOD.

He is born of the FATHER before all ages. GOD of GOD, Light of Light, true GOD of true GOD; begot­ten, not made, of one Being with the FATHER. By Him all things were made. For us men and for the sake of our sal­va­tion, He came down from Heav­en.


He was made flesh by the HOLY GHOST of Mary, the Vir­gin, and was made man!


He was even cru­ci­fied for us; under Pon­tius Pilate He suf­fered death and was buried. He descend­ed into hell, the third day He rose from the dead, ascend­ed into Heav­en, and sits at the right hand of the Almighty FATHER. He shall come again in glo­ry, to judge the liv­ing and the dead, and His king­dom shall have no end.


I believe in the HOLY GHOST, the LORD and Giv­er of life. He is adored and glo­ri­fied like the FATHER and the SON! He works from ever­last­ing like a flood of fire from the FATHER to the SON. Always cre­at­ing SPIRIT of GOD from the Ever­liv­ing One to us mor­tals. He has spo­ken through the Prophets.


I believe in one, holy, apos­tolic Church, found­ed by JESUS CHRIST, with the sev­en holy Sacra­ments insti­tut­ed by Him, the com­mu­nion of Saints, the res­ur­rec­tion of the flesh, and the life of the world to come. Amen!