Esotericism – Reiki
You will not in the least believe how dangerous esotericism is, especially the curiosity to see miracles arising from it. Sometimes it is done so shrewdly: in these esoteric books they always tell you only part of it; when you read them, you will notice that that is not everything yet. Then you are also supposed to buy this or that book or some magazine and so it goes on and on. You do not even notice that, in this way, you become ever more deeply involved in it. – For meditation a simple cross would suffice.
Why are Esotericism and Reiki dangerous?
Esotericism is so dangerous today. There are things in it that are good and not good; you cannot separate them any more, they have become intertwined, partly also with black and white magic. Because there were seven mighty Angels who were masters of heavenly magic, three of whom have fallen and they are the ones who now do black magic below. It is absolutely dangerous! Hands off from esotericism!
Esotericism, occultism, Reiki, etc. – it is diabolic! Often even young people get caught up in the occult by using a Ouija-board, by table-turning, card-reading and such more. Just look at the male and female Reiki teachers when they have practised it for a couple of years: they are spent! And I know, I made the acquaintance of such people myself who came to me that I help them to escape from it. There are also some female Reiki teachers who managed to withdraw from Reiki through a grace and admitted to having seen Satan. Quite often everything that is not good, even diabolic needs casting out from them first. How many marriages and families have already been destroyed because of it.
“Decluttering” Your Home
Elf figurines, Buddha statues and the like simply do not belong in a Christian home. If you remove all these bad things from your homes, you will see how you are relieved afterwards. I am well aware that they are considered art or antique. But you have no idea how such statues and figurines often contain little, magically charged notes and therefore have an effect. There are also such statues that were even charged by a magician or a sorcerer prior to selling. As a result, your house might occasionally be haunted or there are just problems, there is no harmony, there are troubles in the cowshed, and so on. It is for that reason that I say “declutter”!
How often are there Bibles or other religious writings at homes which are not at all in line with Catholic teaching, e.g. from Jehovah’s Witnesses, and so on. Just because there is possibly a wonderfully beautiful, apparently Christian image depicted on it, people consider it alright. In the homes of some Christians you will even find the Koran. The Koran or any books about other religions should only be read by someone appointed by the Church for that purpose. Because then they also have the strength and grace not to become entangled in it, that no bad seed may find its way in them.
The Bible is the guarantor of faith
Believe me, you will bring your soul more safely to the goal by literally relying on Sacred Scripture, even if it may not always be such a fortunate translation, than by surrendering to the statements and teachings of esoterics, gurus, and the like. If one day you stand before GOD, it will be much easier for you to say: “LORD, I have believed and lived according to Sacred Scripture!” than: “Dear GOD, please excuse me, I have just stuck to the teaching of doctor, professor, theologian so-and-so, I have latched on to some or other miracle-worker.” However fantastic and genuine the contents of a book, a teaching, a message may sound – examine it! Examine it to see whether it agrees with Sacred Scripture. Sacred Scripture is the guarantor of faith!
Beware of Spirit Doctors and Faith Healers
Charismatic groups, in which they seem to speak in tongues and “fall out in the HOLY SPIRIT,” fall on their back and apparently pass out, do not come from GOD; such is charlatanism. Also beware of such people who lay their hands on you or want to bless your home with incense and the like. There is a lot of monkey business going on with it and many people were afterwards afflicted with disease or mysterious mishaps.
Satan demands tribute for his miracles
Today GOD has become sparing with visible miracles. People’s piety has been on the wane, people have become more sinful and alarmingly indifferent. Miracles only rarely lead to conversions. Now is the time that GOD withdraws Himself and also allows all kinds of so-called spirit doctors and faith healers to emerge. Also Satan can work false miracles and make lame people walk. But what use is a sound leg, if, as a result, the salvation of your soul is at stake? “It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.” (Matt 5,29) For the Evil One demands tribute in return for his “miracles.” How can you discern which spirit it is? The Evil One, the father of lies, can hoodwink and dazzle people so shrewdly that his “privileged souls” usually see themselves as privileged by GOD and also behave as such. Know that there is one thing the devil is not capable of: enkindling your heart with love of GOD. “By their fruit you will recognise them.” (Matt 7,16) This is the only reliable feature.
The greatest miracles of our time, though, – and GOD is generous in granting them – are those which give us strength and courage to hold on in all kinds of illnesses and hostilities, in all the hardships of our lives and to be cheerful in spite of everything. That our blessing is able to lead the medical skill and medicine in such a way that a person may recover. We will furthermore be allowed to perform these miracles of GOD’s grace, always to the extent in which the petitioner himself is willing to lovingly observe and abide by GOD’s Commandments, and is also prepared to forgive. “Forgive us our debts, as we also forgive …,” it says in the “Our FATHER.”