Today they say all religions are welcome, we are not allowed to contradict anyone. Strange teachings gain recognition from the highest Church authorities by saying: “They, too, worship GOD, after all.” This is a huge mistake! The SAVIOUR gives His unambiguous teaching and missionary task: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Matt 28,19f) If JESUS’ teaching were only an irrelevant matter, then the crucifixion alone would have sufficed for our redemption. Then the SAVIOUR could have saved Himself the trouble of preaching and teaching, He could have carried on working as a carpenter until the age of His offering on the Cross.
They built, for example, a gigantic house where St. Padre Pio lived, where all religions are allowed to gather. Do people still not understand what is going on? Is this still a Christian West? No! A multicultural religion, that’s what it is! Amongst these there supposedly are also religions that do not acknowledge the TRINITY GOD. Let us take the Mohammedans for instance: they see CHRIST merely as a prophet, consequently denying His Godhead. Then there are the Jews who do not acknowledge JESUS as the Messiah, as SON of GOD, who sits at the right hand of the FATHER. There are the Hindus, who worship many gods (idols). Then again there are religions that worship no GOD but try to work their way up to blessedness by their own strength and meditation, and so on. GOD does not share His Temple with idols! As we read in Sacred Scripture: “I alone am your GOD. You shall have no other gods before Me!”
Catholic bishops, indeed, even the Pope, really know how to preach and write so that the faithful only think highly of them, but at the same time their words are often just paper fire that fizzles out at once. The high priests in former times were teaching according to Sacred Scripture of the Old Testament and yet the SAVIOUR said: “Do what they tell you but do not do according to their works.” They persecuted JESUS. He was crucified as a result of their persisting. Today JESUS would have to teach: “Do not do everything they tell you!” The Apostle Saint Paul says: “Whoever gives you a teaching other than the one I have given to you, which I received from GOD after all, let him be accursed, and even if it were an angel from heaven, let him be accursed!”
Why Is Intercommunion Impossible
There was a comment on the radio about intercommunion. There were highly intelligent scholars, graduates, speaking, however, as far as the future, as far as GOD is concerned, they were talking utter nonsense. One, for instance, said: “I simply cannot understand and it is not right when the Reformed or Protestants cannot receive Communion with Catholics.” Even people of different faiths ought to know what Catholic and Orthodox people believe: that the HOLY SPIRIT through the ordained priest accomplishes what the latter, at the words of Consecration, says and believes. For in this Bread and Wine is not just contained the power of GOD, but it is truly Body and Blood of JESUS CHRIST. JESUS did not say: “This will once be My Body,” but: “This is My Body! … This is My Blood!” Therefore, a Protestant who does not believe in the Transubstantiation cannot receive Communion with Catholics, otherwise he will be guilty of sinning against the Body and Blood of CHRIST. But if someone of a different faith can believe that JESUS is truly present with Flesh and Blood in the Sacred Host, the question arises, what prevents him yet from accepting the faith with the seven Sacraments.
John 6,53ff: “Then Jesus said to them: ‘Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has everlasting life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is food indeed and my blood is drink indeed. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him.’”
Everywhere, even in the Church, they want to interpret JESUS’ words after their own liking and differently: “Well, obviously, it is meant like this …, it was wrongly understood … The pastors, priests, bishops and the Pope have changed it.” The SAVIOUR spoke quite clearly: “This is My Body! … This is My Blood! … As often as you shall do these things, you shall do them for perpetual renewal!” JESUS’ words cannot be explained in a human way, to be meant like this or like that! GOD said: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away!” Where do we find His words? For GOD said that they will not pass away. We find them in Sacred Scripture. GOD’s words cannot be remodelled.