Early Sex Education & Gender
The world speaks so much about love and yet precisely the world seldom understands what love is. By love people usually mean sex. It is true that it is one of man’s strongest natural instincts, but you can change the power of this drive, e.g in order to be successful in your professional life. Nobody will become a saint without struggling. Never forget: not your natural instincts should guide you, but your spirit should wear the crown and wisely rule, worthy of love, over your body. It is often heard said: “I am going to marry so that I can have sex!” That is not love! That is selfishness! Love means wanting to shower your neighbour with it and also being able to make the occasional renunciation.
The sexual drive is the strongest drive
But today people are already corrupted at school, indeed, even at the nursery school with the gender-doctrine and the like. Children are seduced in great numbers, by the thousands and thousands, through sex education. Have these so highly educated people not understood that sexuality is a drive, a driving force, which opens up by even only tickling this spot? Where are father and mother standing up for their children here? Where do I hear anything from the Pope? Where do I hear anything from the Church? She remains silent and, as a result, has incurred the dreadful wrath of GOD! What did the SAVIOUR say? “Woe to those who cause offence to the little ones! It would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea!”
America wants to dishonour young people at school. In certain places, early sex education already takes place with 5‑year-olds. What did they use to do when they wanted to weaken a country in order to invade it afterwards? Porn magazines were distributed, sex films were shown in the cinema, etc.
To be honest, the 6th Commandment, unchastity, is not the gravest sin – the gravest sin is against love – but it is the most dangerous! He who is stuck in sexuality is sinking in a swamp, he cannot have any esteem for himself any more. He is a slave of his drives and that is already intended to happen to 5‑year-olds. One thing is certain: GOD condemns this! By doing so you can weaken the whole society.
What is the purpose behind the gender theory?
Holy Scripture says: “Male and female he created them.” (Gen. 1,27) These are GOD’s words – who still dare to speak against it? Male and female He created them, not male and male or female and female. He did not make two Adams, nor two Eves. What is the purpose behind the gender craze? GOD created two human beings and gave them the command: “Be fruitful and multiply!” (Gen. 1,28) Does the gender doctrine not promote that no more children are created? That is exactly what they want, that there are no more new children, whereas the countries are flooded with people of other faiths, who have very many children. As always, it is their goal to destroy the Christian West.