GOD’s Underground Church

GOD appoint­ed me as His per­son­al Instru­ment for this and the com­ing time in order to rein­state the bond between GOD and man. I was schooled by GOD from child­hood and received from Him the mis­sion to form an under­ground Church. More and more peo­ple are seek­ing the mean­ing of life and want a hold for the dif­fi­cult future. Count­less peo­ple from over 20 coun­tries have already con­tact­ed us and found here an oasis for their souls. Mean­while, my cler­gy trav­el around sev­er­al coun­tries in order to edi­fy the peo­ple with con­ver­sa­tions and pro­vide them with the Sacra­ments. It is a steady growth, which is why I should admit even more priests and reli­gious sis­ters in order to be able to per­pet­u­ate this work more exten­sive­ly, but we lack the space for this pur­pose.

It is one of the worst things for me to have to “beg” for mon­ey because what goes for me is accord­ing to JESUS’ word: “It is more blessed to give than to receive!” For this rea­son we all work with­out pay­ment for GOD’s wages and do not col­lect any mem­ber­ship fee either. We offer free board and lodg­ing to all who would like to vis­it us at a week­end to become more close­ly acquaint­ed with us.

GOD’s work has been liv­ing only on vol­un­tary dona­tions for over 40 years and once again we want to ven­ture on a build­ing exten­sion – with con­fi­dence in GOD and your help. The neces­si­ty for the con­tin­u­a­tion of this work of GOD urges me to start this fundrais­ing cam­paign.

We are deeply grate­ful to every sin­gle per­son who sup­ports this work – be it by prayer or finan­cial­ly.

or by pay­ing-in slip / Bank trans­fer:

Post­Fi­nance 90–9189‑4

IBAN: CH95 0900 0000 9000 9189 4


Post­bank München 1200 55 801 (BLZ 700 100 80)

IBAN: DE34 7001 0080 0120 0558 01


Account hold­er: Neuchris­ten, Bergstrasse 52, CH-9038 Reheto­bel AR