In the Crossfire of Criticism
I absolutely detest wonder-seeking and an idolisation of my person. Nevertheless, I bear witness to the working of GOD. In His Name I was able to perform the casting out devils and even the curing of the sick as well as the raising of the dead. This is often reinterpreted by adversaries as coming from the Evil One, which is unthinkable because with these people striking and genuine conversions and reform to good has taken place. Because there is one thing the Evil One is never able to do: enkindle the heart in love for GOD and make you better!
Testimony of the Prelate Prof. Harambillet
(Professor, Doctor of church law and lawyer of the Rota Romana, the highest ecclesiastical court in the Vatican)
He wrote about the priests who preached against me:
«Those priests put themselves in great danger of imitating the Pharisees and of judging things which to judge only GOD is entitled. It is foolish and irresponsible, in a time of a general breakdown of the Church, to still judge on the basis of a church law drawn up for normal times. As a doctor and judge in this cause I must announce that today not few traditionalists go the way of destruction by taking GOD’s place and condemning in their own unenlightened competence that which GOD calls individually.
Now is not the time to judge but to observe and to pray because GOD will make His choice here sovereignly as He does in all things. He will never be guided by the thoughts of men as is shown throughout Sacred Scripture and in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass …!»
Prelate Dr Harambillet explained before several witnesses:
«According to ecclesiastical law you have been validly consecrated, though without permission. However, since Pope Paul VI has called out: “The smoke of Satan has penetrated the Church right to the top!” these laws may no longer be valid, an emergency law must be enacted. However, because the Church does not respond, GOD as Sovereign intervenes.»
Prelate Dr Harambillet examined me for two hours, he then kneeled down and requested: «Your Excellency, please give me your blessing.»
Further Confirmations
Letter of reply of Maria Simma (well-known Poor Souls Mother from Vorarlberg) to Mrs H., who inquired of Maria Simma about me
Writing of Prof Matt (Doctor of Church Liturgy) about the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which I wrote by GOD’s instructions