Blessing Hand

At GOD’s desire, I have issued a bless­ing – depict­ed as my bless­ing hand with a writ­ten bene­dic­tion – for all who are open-heart­ed and of good will so that for the time to come they may be strength­ened and pro­tect­ed from false doc­trines, tor­ments, also of dia­bol­i­cal nature, etc.

Avail­able at: NEUCHRISTEN, Bergstrasse 52, CH-9038 Reheto­bel
(please, do not for­get to add your own com­plete postal address)

Or in the onli­neshop:

Holy Water

“The smoke of Satan has pen­e­trat­ed the Church right to the top!” Pope Paul VI called out pub­licly in those days. This smoke con­stant­ly enshrouds us and still we do not see it. There­fore, the holy water is so rec­om­mend­able. When you are com­ing home, take holy water and cross your­self say­ing: “All evil away from here, JESUS CHRIST, do You reign in me!”

Today there are many church­es in which the sex­ton refills the stoup only with ordi­nary water. In many places, can­dles and holy water are just blessed by the priest, no longer sacralised. Yet sacra­men­tals such as holy water, sacralised cross­es, medals as well as can­dles are excel­lent pro­tec­tion shields against the influ­ence of the Evil One. You have no idea of what a wide berth the dev­il gives them. Use and wear these sacra­men­tals!

Sacral­i­sa­tion of the East­er water