Saint Michael the Archangel
Who is the Archangel Michael?
Archangel Michael – Prince of the heavenly Host! He is the first and most powerful warrior of GOD, whom GOD chose to lead the whole heavenly host. Let us only consider that a single Angel was able to defeat a whole army of soldiers at one flick of his finger. However, for the Archangel Michael it is not only one Angel who is fighting but legions of Angels – what a power!
Who is like GOD?
Because Michael was the first Angel to rise up against Lucifer and call out: “Who is like unto GOD!” he was given as a reward what Lucifer held. From a low choir where he was before, he was raised to the highest position as First Angel, although not in the manner of the Seraphim and Cherubim in adoration of GOD. And yet, we know that GOD placed a Cherub with a sword at the entrance to Paradise to guard it. Interestingly, there was no such thing as a reward in Heaven before the battle of the faithful against the unfaithful Angels. This was instituted by GOD only afterwards.
Look how rapidly all things have changed. At an incredible speed, what human strategy would never achieve, the whole world has turned away from GOD in no time. Lucifer wants to lead mankind away from GOD because his fury at now being the exact opposite of beauty and power, namely the serpent and the dragon, is enormous. He knows: “Against GOD I am powerless!” Don’t you forget it! Satan’s fury is so enormous because now these little human beings – in his eyes these scummy creatures, who are utterly beneath his dignity – are meant to take the places of the fallen angels in Heaven. It is only against a GOD-loving heart that he cannot fight, nor even against a little child who says: “Dear GOD, I love You!” Then Satan is checkmate.
It is not GOD who punishes us, mankind punishes themselves by disregarding the order and Commandments of GOD. To think that in Heaven we would have such mighty, absolutely invincible heroes for allies.
The time will come when I will be allowed to call St. Michael the Archangel in a special manner. Let us ask, invoke and venerate St Michael the Archangel as Patron of CHRIST’s soldiers in order that he may defend the Church of CHRIST and lead her to victory!
Prayer to Archangel Michael:
“Saint Michael the Archangel,
with Your light enlighten us!
Saint Michael the Archangel,
with Your wings protect us!
Saint Michael the Archangel,
with Your sword defend and save us!
Highly Sacralised Michael’s Salt
I have provided the highly sacralised Michael’s Salt with an extraordinary blessing power by GOD’s command as His Sword-Bishop. It works like an exorcism, since GOD gave me a special power and a protective armour against evil to effectively oppose the superior power of the Evil One.
Salt is a traditional element for acts of blessing and sacralisation in the Church. Sacralised salt is more easy to handle and can also be sent more easily than holy water.
St Michael the Archangel is the Chief Commander in the battle against Satan. This salt is dedicated and entrusted to him. Whoever uses this Michael’s salt with good intent invokes St Michael the Archangel, the warrior of GOD, for support and protection. „Saint Michael the Archangel, You invincible warrior of GOD and Prince of the heavenly Hosts, to You we dedicate this hallowed salt and entrust it to You. Grant that in each grain of salt Your sword’s and radiating power may dwell, and that anything hostile to and opposing GOD as well as anything hostile and harmful to man may be UNCOVERED, CAST OUT, BANISHED and DEFEATED by Your command.“ (from the consecratory prayer)
This holy salt can also be dissolved in water and then be used as holy water (a pinch of the sacralised Michael’s salt is enough, e.g. for 5 litres of water). I recommend blessing the dwelling with holy water by sprinkling a drop of it in each room with the words: „All evil away from here, JESUS CHRIST, do You reign in here!“ and likewise by making the sign of the cross on oneself with holy water when leaving the house and on returning home. In inner turmoil you can also take a few sips of it or carry the salt with you. For this purpose we added this salt to a Michael the Archangel holy card, which also practically fits in the wallet.
However valuable this highly sacralised Michael’s Salt may be, I am just as concerned that some may only use this Michael’s Salt without acknowledging my GOD-given mission as personal Instrument of JESUS CHRIST and without trusting me.
Therefore, examine your disposition and then use this highly sacralised salt in the readiness to keep His Commandments as a child of GOD. Only in this way will the blessing power of this sacralised salt be able to help you.
Available at: NEUCHRISTEN, Bergstrasse 52, CH-9038 Rehetobel
(please, do not forget to add your own complete postal address)
Or in the onlineshop: https://www.neuchristen-onlineshop.com/c/sakramentalien