The majority of men do no longer believe in Angels, and those who do believe in such seeming Angels – these are elves which they venerate.
What do Angels look like?
Angels with breasts are no ministers of GOD because these are young men. If females are represented as Angels, then they are elves and not Guardian Angels. Angels with little winglets are not the Angels of Heaven either, but elves and the like. For an Angel is so supremely powerful, he cannot be made into a cute and cuddly being. It may be wise perhaps with little children to explain the Angels to them in a loving manner. But the Angels of GOD are often showing themselves with mighty wings, as is also represented with statues. The wings are no more than symbols. It has a powerful effect! It also shows: they are servants of GOD, swift to act.
How many Angels are there?
There are uncountable Angels in Heaven! From amongst these Angels GOD continually takes one and sends him to the earth to a new human being. As soon as the first organ, the heart, has been formed in the mother’s womb, GOD already places an Angel at the side of this developing human being. So each one of you has such an Angel and he sees GOD’s countenance. He knows GOD’s plan for you. And he will, like GOD, not act against your free will.
Your Guardian Angel is always with you!
If anyone of you could see his Guardian Angel, he would believe he had seen GOD. An Angel is of such shining beauty that we could not look at him with our bodily eyes, we would die on the spot. Our earthly matter would be shattered by so much splendour and beauty. And this Angel is always beside you, no matter what you do – whether you are asleep or on the toilet, whether you sin or please GOD. I often see the Guardian Angel – very colloquially speaking – like a butler, always standing behind his protégé, waiting for his master’s requests. You can be thankful that he does many things by GOD’s command, otherwise your Angel would often be unemployed.
When you die, your Guardian Angel will be together with you for all eternity provided that you attain everlasting bliss. But if you go to eternal damnation – which does exist! – it will be for your Angel such an incredibly horrifying thing! There is only one comfort which GOD can give him and that is to assign him to the Mother of GOD: he will be handed over to his Queen. Because you did not give him any love, the Mother of GOD will give him this love.
Have a High Regard for Your Angel
He looks at you all the time. He is a mighty help, of which you are far too little aware. If you have to settle important matters or pay like visits, do send your Angel ahead that he may arrange conversations, prepare jobs, make contact with the Angels of those with whom you will get in touch. You would be much more successful. If you worry about your children, why do you not send their or your Angel? Do ask him for his help! How pleased will he be to help! You, parents, have a special privilege of calling on the Angels of your children, of giving instructions or delivering messages. You can also send him, for example, to attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass so that he may take back to you the graces and blessing of the Sacrifice of the Mass. Do not think in such a terribly human way but allow GOD to reign in His wonderful Providence!
What can you give to your Guardian Angel as a present?
There are so many things you do not know yet. Your Guardian Angel, however, knows. Take his advice. Have you ever thanked your Angel for everything which he did for you without being noticed? In temptations he defended you a thousand times. You do not see the devil coming and how cunningly he approaches you, but your Angel does. The physical and spiritual dangers you will mostly recognise too late, whilst your Angel protects you from harm – fights for you! Do you also thank him for anything which you do not foresee and recognise, for all the good he did to you today?
If you want to give your Angel a special joy and reward, then entrust GOD, his Creator, with it, or his noble Queen Mary. Ask them that they may give him a special joy as a present. Pray for example: “My GOD, I pray you, give my Angel a special present – You can give him anything for he is without sin. Give him a huge ray of Your glory and an even greater knowledge.” (Even an Angel does not have all knowledge of GOD!) As for you, thank him with willing obedience. I witnessed it myself with my Angel: at that very moment he stretches out his arms and receives such a ray from Heaven and an unexpected joy. The Angel is completely overcome with joy, with fervent love of GOD! What do you think how much he will in turn reward you? You have asked for it in prayer.
Work with your Guardian Angel and let him also work with you. Give him a name that could please him. He is your guide. Which of you wants to climb the biggest mountain, Heaven, without a mountain guide? In order to climb it, GOD gave you your Angel. He is holding the rope in his hands. Confide in him. Make friends with him. Let your “inner antenna” be adjusted most accurately by him, then you will hear your Angel.