The Billion-Fold Child Murder
It is still the case: to gain growing power and influence, Satan needs HUMAN VICTIMS!
So it was and has been since Cain and Abel. Let us think of the civilised nations in the past, which sacrificed to their gods (idols) chaste virgins, male youths as well as preferably innocent sucklings. Behind all these seeming gods fallen angels and accomplices of Satan were hiding.
And today? Never before, even in the most primitive times, were there such inhuman practices as well as vast numbers of murdered human victims! And this for the most part executed by physicians under state protection! Physicians, who are actually called to support life and heal sick life.
Now, however, things have already come to the point where physicians go to court if they are being prevented from killing little, innocent children to make money. (So it already happened in Bavaria in the year 1998.) Therefore, executioner of human life, which has been pronounced NOT GUILTY!
Abortion is murder!
There are women who shout: “My body, my choice!” You murderess! We are surely not talking about your body, you are not killing that after all, but we are talking about the soul created by the Heavenly FATHER, which He puts inside the beginning life. (As a matter of fact, the organ first functioning is the heart.) GOD, who creates the soul, still puts something unique and precious into the soul, namely: the free will, which He Himself as Creator respects. You, however, dare to decide on this life created by GOD! So you want to be more than GOD, the GOD who calls each single star at the infinite firmament by its name.
The children do not come from father and mother, but from GOD – through father and mother! He, the Heavenly FATHER, is the true Father. You, however, dare to destroy His joys of being a Father and His plans of creation! Do you know that you will once stand before HIM and must give an account?!
Incomprehensible is and remains that this murdering, killing, executing of innocent lives was ordered or at least approved without comment by politicians, “fathers” and “mothers” of the nation, even if partly under compulsion.
These, this sin in their number have become unbearable! Hitler does not have so many murders on his conscience as you who assent to abortion!
If you, mother or father, physician or whoever was involved, die unrepentantly and appear in GOD’s sight, you will have the aborted child or children as accusers before you!
And you, politicians, who gave your voices to the child murder will have all the aborted children of your country as accusers before you, millions upon millions!!! For GOD there will then, at the latest, be justice for these innocent children!
More than body, spirit or age counts the soul created by GOD, because she has been created from Divine breath! And each single soul is created by GOD so that He may receive from her praise, love and adoration and He can reward her because of that with everlasting bliss with Him. You, however, have deprived Him of this joy through your self-seeking behaviour! Dare you still appear in His sight?
How can one make amends for an abortion before GOD?
You are fortunate that you can still make up for this since GOD in spite of everything (as long as you are still alive) does not want the death of your soul but that you may recognise your offence and make good to the best of your ability! Repent, confess and change!
And if you as a mother have aborted your own child or as a father wanted or have allowed it, baptise it with the “Baptism of the Unborn”! Only in this way will GOD forgive you, and instead of your child becoming your accuser, it will immediately afterwards become a happy and grateful child accompanying you spiritually and angelically.
Should your church not be willing or able to help you, I am willingly prepared, or one of my bishops as well as priests, to do so in their stead!
Those who want to can also pray the “Baptism of the Unborn” on behalf of all the people, but then it should be left up to GOD how He will distribute these graces. Once a month all my bishops and priests celebrate a Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the aborted children.
To download: Baptism of the Unborn and the Stillborn