Page 8 - Sword-Bishop - His Personal Development
P. 8

In the School of the SAVIOUR

          «GOD showed Himself to me not only in His fatherliness, His love, but
          also in His supremely powerful grandeur. I was taken away, which did
          not happen in my sleep, but I was wide awake. There I knelt again be-
          fore GOD in three Persons and felt dressed in horribly stinking,
          mouldered clothes, like rotten leather. The sinfulness of all mankind
          was on me and I gave off a God-awful stench. Behind me was a deep
          abyss, my feet already protruding over the edge. A fire was roaring –
          screams, hell! And since GOD had instilled in me such a love for Him,
          I begged Him: „Please push me down with Your foot, I certainly do not
          want to bring this stench to You into Heaven!“ I waited and would
          have felt freed if I had no longer spread this bestial stench in Heaven.

          And now something happened that many simply cannot yet under-
          stand: from the right came Mary, the Mother of GOD, towards me
          and took me by the hand. „Come with me,“ she said, and led me to a
          kind of facility. The TRINITY said nothing and allowed it to happen.
          There I saw a small glass slide, like the one used in a laboratory under
          the microscope, on which there was a drop of blood. I recognised:
          these were the merits as a human being, and I thought: „Oh dear,
          with all the sins I have on me, that will never be enough.“ Then Mary
          walked on. There were larger and larger vessels with blood standing
          there, similar to test tubes. I followed her and silently struggled:
          „Mary, please go on, it is not enough yet!“ She went on. Now I saw
          very large vessels with blood. Later came small ponds, then larger
          ones, they were already lakes, these became larger and larger.
          Thought to myself: „Now you need not go any further, it suffices!“ But
          Mary kept walking, and what happened next, I am not going to talk

          Swiss Guard and Family Life

          Amongst other things, he completed a two-year service with the Papal
          Swiss Guard at the Vatican (from 1956 to 1958) under Popes Pius XII
          and John XXIII, in order to become acquainted with the Church at her
          core, and to see the state of decay inside the Church confirmed, which
          GOD had already shown to him as a child.

          Even as a child he felt that he is destined by GOD for something and
          that He demands something from him. It was years of waiting and

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