Page 7 - The Divine Directions for Use
P. 7

The Divine Directions for Use

            nations. No, she needs            bees    and   insects,   he
            continuing and ever-re-           needs the twittering of the
            newed life. Moreover, it is       birds and he needs the
            very important that every-        inartificial fragrance pro-
            thing should be equally           ceeding from flora and
            present in microcosm as           fauna. He needs that and
            well as macrocosm as I            much more unknown to
            have put it into. For each        man as I as his Creator
            thing, and even if it is only     have devised and created
            stone, I have given a             it!»
            function in order to main-
            tain the harmony as a
            whole.»                                      ***

                          *                   So far the small extract from the
                                              „DIVINE DIRECTIONS FOR
                                              USE“ of the Creator.
            «Particularly the tree I
            have destined to renew            Many more relations hidden
            the breathing air of man.         from and completely unknown
            Even the tree is animate          to man could be shown.
            and as a result possesses
            a feeling, if somewhat
            weaker than the animal. In
            order to be able to live
            healthily,   he   therefore
            needs not only the ele-
            ments, but also above all
            animate life of his kind
            about him. In this way he
            needs the buzzing of the

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